Monday, April 5, 2010

I had a great Easter. I had my nephew Garrett over he seemed enthusiastic about hunting for eggs.(even in the rain!) He was sooo adorable! It was hilarious when he dropped the Easter eggs that had jellybeans in them, but he had plenty of candy anyway. Hope you had a happy Easter!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey I have another poem for you!

Have You Ever?

Have you ever walked a pirates plank,
into a sea of shining gold?
Have you ever met a superstar,
on a night when it's freezing cold?

Have you ever been inside a balloon,
that was very hard to pop?
Have you ever been on a roller coaster,
That would never stop?

Have you ever been to space,
And seen the world stand still?
Have you ever done any of these things?
No? Someday I will.


We were planning to go to Santa Cruz because of Carson's fourth grade mission due, but we ended up boating instead. The plan changed due to miscalculations in the time it took to get there. We thought it would take roughly three hours to get there but Jill (our garmin) misinformed us and said it would take around five hours! So we visited our cousins James and Josie and boated out at Half Moon Bay. I had a blast! I even got to steer the boat and learn many facts about osprey, pelicans, eels, and of course boats.